Check My Essay Grade: How To Rate Your Essay

Writing an essay should never be an end in itself. You have to perfect it through rating. Evaluating your essay makes sure it is 100% accurate and does not contain any deliberate errors.
A good essay should be void of plagiarism traces, bad sentence structures, and grammatical and spelling issues. All the essential aspects of a good essay should always be observed. Perfecting your essay before submission is an important step that can make a huge difference.
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How To Rate Your Essay
1. Read Through it

Reading through the paper before submission enables you to get rid of all minor and major mistakes. If you rushed to finish the essay, you might skim it instead of doing a perfect revision.
Reading through needs time so that you can identify all mistakes.
Check for superb quality and ensure that the grammar, spelling, and tenses are all correct. Above all, if you have any citations and references, ensure they are accurate.
Perhaps having someone else read through your essay will be more helpful. Another person cannot skim through the essay and may be able to see smaller mistakes. Even though you are the one who wrote it, another friend reading your paper is in a better position to identify mistakes that you cannot see.
2. Ask an Expert to Rate
An expert has experience in proofreading and editing essays. Good experts have gone through different essays in all fields of study. This gives them a better advantage to spot all the mistakes that you cannot see.
Experts who specialize in college essays have previously taught students and some of them have even published their books on essay writing. As such, they are familiar with the styles, academic rules, and expectations of your professor. It puts them in a better position to evaluate and rate your essay.
Specialists can point out the various mistakes in terms of language use, proper citation, documentation, and general formatting of essays. If you obey all their observations, it gives you a better chance to submit a perfect essay.
3. Compare with Colleagues
Not all students are equal in academics. Others will be good at essays and have a deeper knowledge than you. Rightly so, comparing your essays with theirs can enable you to know if you are on the right track.

You can discuss with colleagues and find better ways of perfecting your essay.
4. Ask your Tutor
Your school instructors are also in a better position to evaluate your essay.
This is the best person to give you directions by showing you the areas you have gone wrong in essay writing.
Make your teacher your best friend and your essay-writing skills will improve.
5. Relate with Previously A-graded Essays
Getting bad feedback on your essay can be demoralizing but you have to take it as a learning point as you aim to perfect your skills. Just as you use old exams to revise and study.
If you compare your essay with the previous ones that received an A grade, you can know where you have gone wrong.
Essays that have been awarded an A grade are simply outstanding. They have a compelling thesis, coherent structure, a persuasive argument, and properly integrated evidence. There is a lot you can borrow from A-graded essays.
6. Compare with Instructions
As usual, essays come with different types of instructions from your tutor. A good way of rating your essay is to go through the instructions again and know where you did not follow what the tutor wanted.
7. Compare with Model Essays
Most model essays do not require editing or polishing. They are simply strong essays with a clear structure that can help you in evaluating your essays. If you compare your essay to these models, you can acquire new ideas and improve your essay writing skills.
Model essays give you an idea of techniques you can use to write common essay topics.
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Other Ways To Check The Quality Of Your Essay
Students and professors have never agreed on what constitutes a good essay. However, learning institutions set their standard on what they expect from you before they can give your essay a good grade.

As a serious student, it is paramount to check the quality of your essay before submission. The following are more ways of checking the quality:
Submitting an essay without proofreading is committing academic irresponsibility. Go through the essay several times to get rid of all mistakes.
Proofreading manually and using other software tools to perfect your essay.
Editing goes hand in hand with proofreading. Look out for all spelling, grammar, and sentence mistakes and make the necessary changes.
If you find it hard to point out your own mistakes, ask a friend to read your essay.
Using Grammarly
Grammarly is a perfect tool you can use to check the quality of your essay. It not only checks spelling and grammar mistakes in your essay but also identifies plagiarism errors.
After proofreading manually, use Grammarly to perfect your editing.
Do a Ruthless Comparison
Matching your essay with others is also a way of improving its quality. You will discover new styles of writing and presenting your arguments.
Through comparison, you can pick up new writing strategies and ideas that can improve your essay before you submit it.
How To Check Your Essay Grade
1. Uploading a Draft for The Tutor to Grade
A draft will be good because the teacher will give you a rough grade before you make a final submission. This gives you a chance to make any necessary amendments that can help you achieve a higher grade.
2. Wait for Grading
Students are usually eager to know how the professor is going to rate their essays. What is important is the final grade your essay will get. You can wait for a grade from your professor but this needs patience because many essays are being evaluated.

Professors award each part of the essay a percentage. The thesis, evidence, analysis, and writing will determine your final grade.
3. Use Online Essay Graders
If you are not sure about the quality of your essay, you can use essay graders before submitting it to your tutor. Online essay graders can help you to point out the mistakes and help to improve your writing skills.
Some top-notch editors will review your paper and grade it.
4. Consulting your TA
A classroom assistant is a teaching aide who can also help you to check the grade of your essay. A teaching assistant provides a lot of support to teachers on different learning aspects and this includes essays.
Your TA can read your essay and tell you if it is an A grade or an F grade.
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Importance Of Rating Your Essay Before Submitting It
It is demoralizing and frustrating to receive negative feedback after submitting your essay. Every student wants their essay to score a good grade.
Rating your essay before submission provides the perfect avenue for you to get rid of mistakes that can affect your grade. With proper editing and proofreading skills, the rating can be the game-changer that will give your essay an A grade.
When you rate your essay by seeking tutor advice, proofreading, or comparing with colleagues, you stand a chance to make it perfect. You can enhance your writing style and the coherence of the entire essay.
Rating an essay requires that you reread it and identify any significant issues. It makes it easy to evaluate the paragraph structure and the general organization of the essay.
After rating your essay, you can correct the minor mistakes that are likely to affect the grade. A good essay rating helps you get rid of inconsistency, punctuation errors, grammar mistakes, and all manners of redundancy.
In the end, you will submit a better essay to your professor with a high chance of getting good grades.

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.