How to Censor Words in an Essay: Bad Words in Academic Papers

If you are wondering how to censor words in an essay, then this is the article for you. In today’s essay-writing world, we see many essays containing expletives or filthy language.
It may sound like an exaggeration, but the truth is that some students still don’t know how to censor words. This can become a real problem when it comes to obtaining a good grade and getting accepted by their college of choice.
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7 Ways How to Censor Words in an Essay
1. Use words you know will be offensive to a particular audience

It is usually not a good idea, but it can work if you are writing for a specific audience.
If you are writing an essay on why people should stop using the word “gay” as a slur, and your friend who has taken offense to that word tells you that it is offensive, use it in your essay.
This will show him that he has no right to tell you what words to use and how to use them.
2. Replace them with synonyms
Sometimes we use unnecessary words in our essays or articles because we do not know what else to write about or we do not have time to add more sentences. Still, these words are not necessary for the content of the article or essay.
Such can be done by using synonyms instead of these unnecessary words or by rephrasing them, making them clearer and more understandable for others who read our text. If you want your readers to understand your ideas better, try using synonyms instead of overloading your text with unnecessary words.
3. Look it up in the Dictionary
If you are unsure about a word, look it up in the dictionary. For example, if you are looking up the word “clever,” you will find it under its definition as: “having or showing quickness of wit” or “having a sharp mind.”

When using a dictionary, pay attention to how the word is used in context and look for other examples of how it can be used.
If your word choice doesn’t make sense when taken out of context, then there’s a good chance that your word choice doesn’t make sense here either!
4. Use Parentheses (or brackets)
Use parentheses or brackets to indicate that you are being ironic or sarcastic rather than saying what you mean. This is the easiest way to censor a word or phrase because you can use either commas or parentheses.
You will have to specify which kind of parenthesis you want to use, but you can use multiple levels of parentheses if necessary.
For example, “Here are some examples that show how students should use commas: when they are used with a question mark, when they are used in front of a comma, and when they are used at the end of a sentence.”
5. Use an ellipsis (three periods) at the end of a sentence
There are a lot of ways to censor words in an essay. One of the most common ways is to use an ellipsis (three periods) at the end of a sentence. This allows you to censor a word or two within the sentence but keep the meaning intact.
Use an ellipsis (three periods) at the end of a sentence when your sentences trail off into a long list or explanation of something.
6. Never use profanity
Using profanity is a sign of disrespect, and it will not only make your essay appear unprofessional but also reflect poorly on you as an individual.
For example, writing “fuck” and “shit” may seem like a simple word choice, but it can have a very different connotation to others.
7. Use Quotation Marks
You can use quotation marks around any word you want to censor in your paper. This will make it clear that the word is being quoted rather than spoken by the author.

You could use italics instead of quotation marks if you don’t want the word to appear in boldface.
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Reasons for Censoring Explicit Words in Essay Writing
You might want to censor words for many reasons, but the most important of these is to protect your audience and their feeling:
Maintain Professional Image
The main reason is to avoid embarrassment and to maintain a professional image. It is also important to maintain the integrity of the subject matter and avoid any confusion or ambiguity.
Censoring explicit words in essay writing must maintain a professional image. Explicit words are those that readers can understand. As noted before, Essay writing should be a formal type of writing and not informal writing.
In other words, they are words that are not hidden or covered by other words. Censoring explicit words makes the writing more readable and understandable.
Protecting Your Audience
Many negative consequences can result from using certain words in an essay. For example, using the wrong word can be considered rude or demeaning. Using overly formal language can make you seem distant and aloof, which may put off your audience.
So, it’s important to avoid using swear words or offensive terms if you want your audience to return for more.
Keeping Things Simple
You also need to keep things simple when writing an essay, as it is confusing for your audience and difficult for you to explain what you mean by certain words or phrases. This can lead to confusion and misunderstanding on both sides of the argument.
Keeping things simple will allow both parties involved in the discussion to understand each other better so they can reach a common ground much quicker than if things weren’t kept so simple.”
To avoid offensiveness
Explicit words can be offensive and inappropriate for a specific audience. For example, the word “bulls***” is inappropriate for a children’s book or newspaper article about animals.
To avoid confusion among readers
If you censor explicit words, people outside your intended audience won’t know what your essay discusses without reading it first.

To avoid being sued by someone who feels offended by your work
Censoring explicit language means there’s no legal recourse for anyone who feels offended by your work.
However, if you don’t censor your work, someone might file a lawsuit against you for defamation of character or defamatory statements in public forums such as social media websites like Facebook or Twitter.
Helps you express yourself clearly and concisely
It helps you express yourself clearly and concisely without being too wordy and redundant.
Such can make your writing more interesting because it forces you to think about how exactly you want to structure each sentence so that it flows smoothly from one sentence to another without any awkward pauses or repetitions that might confuse your readers’ understanding of what you have written so far on the topic at hand.
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Common Explicit and Curse Words Used in Academic Writing
Explicit words are those that are clearly defined in the text. Curse words are those that are not explicitly defined but are often understood by the reader to mean something unpleasant or offensive.
The most common curse words used in academic writing are:
- Fuck—used to express anger, frustration, or disbelief.
- Shit—is used to express disgust, annoyance, or a lack of interest.
- Damn—used as a mild expletive or intensifier.
- Goddammit—an expression of annoyance at an existing problem. It can also describe the result of a failure or mistake.
- Crap—an informal version of hell, usually used for emphasis or when you don’t want people to know what you are talking about.

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.