Check My Essay Free From Grammar, Plagiarism, To Quality

Are you trying to complete a college essay but don’t know where to start? Before writing the perfect essay, you need to know how to approach it. Check out my essay proofreading services will help you iron out any mistakes and improve your skills to work in a field you love.
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Items to Check in an Essay Before Submission – and Why
1. Check for Plagiarism
The first thing to check when drafting an essay is whether it’s original. This might sound obvious, but plagiarism is still a problem in academia. The easiest way to check for plagiarism is with a plagiarism checker.

This tool will compare your work with other sources and identify any duplication of content. It will also give you suggestions for how to correct any mistakes that it finds.
It is a common mistake to assume that because your essay is written from scratch, it must be original.
You may have learned to write essays by copying the work of others or getting help from teachers and other students.
The suitable way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure that you consistently cite the sources of information you use in your essay.
2. Grammar
Grammar is the most important part of writing. It’s the glue that holds your words together, so you should never assume that your grammar is perfect. It’s a good idea to proofread your work at least once, preferably twice.
It may seem like an extra step, but it can save you from later embarrassing mistakes. So don’t be afraid to go back and check over the text again – it only takes a minute or two!
Some elements of grammar are spelling and punctuation, which are important aspects of written English. They help readers understand what you are saying and ensure they understand what you mean by using the correct spelling and grammar.
If you don’t know how to spell something, then Google it; if you do not know how to use commas or apostrophes correctly, ask someone who does – preferably an English teacher!
Remarkably, even if you know how to spell everything correctly, there might still be some grammar errors in your work that shouldn’t be there because the rules and forms have changed over time and sometimes for no reason at all!
3. Grade
The most important thing to know when it comes to checking your grade in an essay is that it’s not the same as checking your grade on a test. The point of checking a grade is to ensure you are getting what you deserve, not getting an A or B.

A grade on an essay can be anywhere from 0 to 100%. If you think of the grading scale as 0-100%, then 63% would be a C, and above 90% would be an A+.
When you check your grade on an essay, look at the comments in blue text, ensure they are accurate, and explain what your answer means.
If there are any questions about what your answer means, ask those questions before submitting your paper to get the help you need.
Doing so helps you get better grades during the exams because if you have already checked your grade, then you know how much effort it requires from your side and how much time it takes from your side so that you can put more effort into it without any kind of stress on your mind or body.
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4. Contractions
Contractions are sometimes used in place of full-fledged words, but they’re not always. Sometimes they can be confusing. And when they are confusing, it’s easy to miss a crucial point.
So if you need help with your essay, make sure that you check your contractions before submission. Here are some rules to follow:
1) Use contractions only for short sentences and phrases (like “I’m”). Don’t use them for paragraphs or longer sentences.
2) Don’t use contractions in direct quotations from someone else (like “I said”). But if you are quoting yourself, use a contraction: “I said I would do it.”
3) If you are writing about yourself and talking about events in your own life, then yes — use a contraction there, too: “I did it.”
5. Passive Voice
The key thing to remember when you are writing is that you should write in an active voice. This means that you should use words that state what is happening, not what someone else did.

The passive voice is a common mistake for students just starting with English essays. Here are some of the common mistakes:
Use “was” rather than “was done” or “was made.” This can sound more formal, and it shows a lack of confidence in your ability to describe something clearly in the first place. It also makes it difficult for readers to see how your topic relates to their lives; they might not understand why it matters so much, why it was done this way, or how it affects them personally.
Use “was chosen by” instead of “was chosen by me.” The result is likely to be worse, as this suggests that you chose something yourself rather than letting someone else choose it (which isn’t true). It also sounds very formal and doesn’t show off your writing skills well!
6. Comma Splices
A comma splice occurs if two independent clauses (clauses that could stand alone as sentences) are joined by only a comma instead of a conjunction like and or but. Comma splices can be hard to spot because they’re often very subtle, but there are some easy ways to identify them:
Your reader will notice the problem if the two clauses have different subjects. For example, “The students were tired after their long day” and “The students were tired after class.” The second example has two independent clauses with different subjects (the students). However, in both cases, one has been joined by only a comma instead of conjunctions like and or but.
It will also be difficult for your reader to understand if there’s no clear subject between the two independent clauses: “I ate pizza yesterday,” he said; “I ate pizza yesterday,” she replied.

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.