AP Capstone Pros and Cons: Is it Worth It? Do colleges Care

AP Capstone is a new diploma program that shows that one completed certain requirements while in high school to earn an advanced diploma.
AP Capstones prompts one to take subject-based and skilled-based classes to earn a Capstone diploma. Typically, the diploma constitutes two foundations such as AP research and AP Seminar.
Is AP Capstone Worth It?

Capstone is worth it because it offers a chance for students to prove their learning. Capstone is a reliable course that many schools both locally and internationally adopted. The program has suitable classes that help one analyze topics via different lenses for greater understanding and meaning.
In addition, this program helps one to know should be collaborative to solve a problem.
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AP Capstone Pros and Cons

Advantages of AP Capstone
1. Leads to more Grants and Scholarship
Some of the activities in the AP program such as overall grades, class rankings, and test scores help one gain opportunities for grants and scholarships during junior high school.
Suppose your family requires financial help to meet the tuition costs, then a particular score can give you the advantage to achieve that goal. Some institutions would want to see the academic excellence and rigor that AP courses offer for the student.
2. Adds more Value to College Applications
When you take an AP class, it acts as proof that one is equal to the challenge of a bachelor’s degree program during the application process. Many universities and elite colleges want the best applications to add to the new as part of new students attending each year.
Students who take AP classes should excel with efforts to study and perform well. The grading is usually harder and more demanding than any generalized course.
3. AP Course Appears in College’s Transcript

The grade that a teen earns while in high school will reflect in the college transcript permanently.
For example, if you earn a grade of B, it has more meaning than any standard GPA formula.
For that matter, you should work for the right grade as much as possible to enhance your college GPA.
One has an option to begin the journey in advance instead of eating until to attends college.
4. Independent Study
Students will change their high school environment to reflect the college environment. The good news is that one can pursue AP classes independently.
For example, students can take the exam in any authorized testing center instead of using the same school. Such provisions make it easy for private school families and homeschoolers to perform independent study.
5. Builds up Personal Skills
Taking up the AP classes gives one a hint of what lies ahead in the future. For instance, taking this course, helps one to gain skills in time management.
Also, one can balance study time with vocational talents and entertainment.
6. Parents Get Involved in Educational Process
Parents have a chance to check the quality of the AP classes at school before deciding if their children should proceed or not. It is possible to get some instructors who develop unique course materials that may be superior to the kind of College Board gives.
If you do not agree with the method of instruction, you are free to opt out of the exam. Such a move helps the parent to avoid the cost of Advancement Placement when supporting their kid’s educational needs.
7. Easier to Choose a Major
High school students have a chance to take an AP course hence exposing them to in-depth knowledge. In other words, there is a higher focus on specific details of the subject matter.
By gaining such a high level of exposure, it becomes effortless for students to select between a major and minor that will want to have after graduating with a diploma.
Disadvantages of AP Capstone
1. Challenging to Complete
Before you complete your AP course, it is a more intensified workload that you must pass through before you complete it. To some extent, many students are affected by the type of workload that they face. For the teens, they require some guidance to strike a balance to plan the schedule well.
The comfortable plan is to take between 2 to 3 AP classes within a year to overcome stress.
2. It is Costly

All the courses in AP classes are never free.
The cost comes into play when the teen wants to show evidence of their understanding by taking the exam.
The costs differ depending on your location.
For instance, when taken outside the US, you will pay $124 while $94 when taken with the US.
Costs usually add up quickly when one wants to take several AP classes within a year. There could be financial pressure on the teen who fails to pass and get a proper grade.
3. Universities and Colleges May View AP Results Differently
Not all universities or colleges are similar. As such, their considerations of AP exam results may not be the same. Some may regard your results to carry more value than others.
For example, some may ignore the 5.0 scale while others find it good. It is important to check how different colleges are considered among your favorites so that you know what to do or avoid.
4. Your GPA May Get a Setback
Chances are high that one can hurt the GPA grade when tackling AP classes.
For a student to get a 4.5 GPA or higher, the possibility is high that one excelled in AP classes. That means that a teen should put extra effort to get the required grade or end up getting a, lower grade than they could have earned.
5. Limits your Social Life
The entire period that one takes to complete the AP classes may limit one’s social life.
Since you will focus more time on materials, there will be less time to focus on social gatherings. That makes it hard for one to focus on other items like sports or other extracurricular activities.
6. Misplaced Priorities
Students may put more focus on testing than on information. Having such a mindset prompts teens to study to pass the grade instead of trying to immerse in information and knowledge, bringing a lot of uncertainty during the preparation process.
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List of Colleges that recognize AP Capstone
- Yale University
- Amherst College
- Princeton University
- Harvard University
- Berkeley University of California
- Boston University
- Wisconsin University
- University of Florida
- The University of Chicago
- Texas State University
- Baylor University
- Pitzer College
- University of Washington
- University of Arkansas
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FAQs on Capstone Review
What does AP seminar count for in college?
AP seminar is a recognized course in some colleges and universities. The one who passed such an exam must be exempted from doing some subjects in the college. The same units that you passed will be reflected in future transcripts in the colleges.
Is AP capstone worth it?
AP is useful in that it stands out when one is applying for a college education. Also, one gets key academic skills that are useful while doing other courses at the college or university level.
Can you do AP capstone online?
Yes, the course is available on the online platform. That means you can do it in the comfort of your home. Finally, locate the nearest examination center to do your exam.
Does AP seminar count as college credit?
Yes, most colleges who recognize the AP exams still value it as college credit. Most universities offer credit for qualifying for a score in an AP seminar. Such means that you skip particular courses in college.
Can I get an AP capstone scholarship?
Yes, one can get a scholarship for AP Capstones. However, you must prove your worth by getting commendable test scores. Ensure that you get a dependable overall grade that can guarantee you a scholarship.

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.