Can Research Paper be Argumentative: How to write Research Arguments

Is it suitable for your research paper to be argumentative? The answer to this question depends on the paper you are writing and the thesis.
Two factors can make a research paper argumentative. These factors include the topic of your research paper and your writing style.
If you are not familiar with being argumentative in a research paper, then this article will help guide you through the process.
Can a Research Paper be Argumentative?
A research paper can be argumentative if its thesis presents an argument that has to be proven and defended through research.
To write an effective argument research paper or essay, you must research a topic and create a solid argument. Then provide concrete, convincing evidence to support your stance.

Argumentative papers are generally persuasive, and there is a definite thesis with supporting evidence throughout the paper.
The thesis of the research paper does not have to take a position on the issue, but it has to do so in the case of an argumentative essay.
A research paper aims to find out what other people think about a particular subject and describe what they believe.
It involves looking at what people had written about it before and then writing down their results in a logical way.
The purpose of an argumentative essay, on the other hand, is not just to describe what others think but to present your own opinion about something. In this case, the thesis must take a stand on an issue.
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Other Types of Research Papers
There are other types of research papers as listed below:
1. Analytical Research Paper
An analytical research paper is an academic piece of writing aimed at analyzing different points of view from multiple sources on a particular topic.
In contrast to an argumentative research paper, you do not have to persuade the reader that your point of view is correct and others are wrong.
Instead, your goal is to provide a well-researched, balanced, and objective evaluation of the current state of knowledge and scholarly thinking related to your topic.
2. Informative/Expository Research Paper
An informative research paper informs the reader about a topic. They often have five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
When writing an informative research paper, your goal is to inform your readers about your topic and possibly convince them that your interpretation of the subject matter is the most accurate one.
The purpose of an expository (informative) paper is to inform the reader about a topic or to offer details about a subject. An expository essay is less analytical and does not require outside research; instead, it focuses on sharing personal experiences and observations.
An informal research paper is a brief research paper that does not need a rigorous format. Everyday research papers can apply to various academic and non-academic settings.
3. Position Research Paper
Position papers are also kinds of reports written after studying a topic from all aspects. One has to take a position on the topic and then argue for it with the help of valid arguments and supporting facts.

4. Explanatory Research Papers
An explanatory research paper “explains” something to the audience.
The paper is usually organized by describing different parts or aspects of the topic in separate paragraphs, or it might be organized by moving from general information to specific information.
Explanatory research papers can also feature fiction texts like novels, plays, and short stories.
The purpose is not to argue a point but rather to present information about a topic and allow the reader to form his or her own opinion about that topic.
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Instances when Argumentative Research Paper is Good
There are several instances when an argumentative research paper applies, such as:
When you Want to Discuss a Controversial Issue
Argumentative research papers are written on topics that bring about an argument. When you write an argumentative research paper, your goal is to choose a side and declare whether you agree or disagree with something.
A controversial issue has two sides that stand in opposition to each other. There are no middle grounds here. For example, abortion is a controversial issue because there are people who are pro-choice and anti-abortion.
Both have valid arguments and reasons for believing in their views, but none of the sides will ever move an inch toward the other’s beliefs because they are so different from each other.
When you Want to be Informed on the Subject
If you want to be informed on the subject and you would like to learn more about a specific subject, an argumentative research paper is good. This will allow you to look at both sides of the issue and get more information.
You will see what the other side thinks and why they think it. When you have this knowledge, it can help you decide your own opinion on the topic.
When you are Trying to Prove Something
If you are trying to prove something, an argumentative research paper is a great choice.
It is a type of paper that will give you all of the information you need to prove your point with facts and evidence. You will be able to show why your opinion or belief is right based on all of the information given in the paper.
When there is a Conflict between two or more Parties Involved in an Issue or Situation
In this type of situation, you must choose one side over another. For example, if there’s a conflict between two employees at work and both have brought their cases to management for evaluation and resolution.
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How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and take a position. You will need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well.
One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but plenty of ideas are available to get you started.
Start by looking over the notes you made during the research phase and consider how you present all of your ideas and research. Since this is an argumentative essay, you want to focus on providing evidence that supports your opinion on a topic.
Start by outlining your introduction, which should include your thesis statement, as well as the general ideas and points you will be making throughout the essay.
This will help you organize your thoughts and decide what information should be featured in each paper section.
Your conclusion should briefly summarize all of the evidence you have presented and restate your thesis so that your reader leaves with a strong impression of your argument.
When planning out your arguments, make sure you have at least three main points that support your thesis; for each point, you should have 3-4 sub-points that support it. As such, this helps to back up any claims that you make in the paper and makes it more credible overall.
You can easily turn these points into questions and make a good research paper topic by observing the following:
Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic
Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before writing. This means that it’s best to have a general interest in your subject.
Otherwise, you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. You don’t need to know everything, though. Part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.
Consider Prompts for Your Argumentative Essay
Think about your life. What is it that interests you? Jot these subjects down. Finally, evaluate your options. If your goal is to educate, choose a subject you have already studied.
If your goal is to persuade, choose a subject that you are passionate about. Whatever the essay’s mission, make sure that you are interested in your topic.
Feel free to use bullet points in your research paper if need be to present your findings or summarize your findings or objectives.

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.