How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay: Guide with Topics and Examples

Writing an enduring issues essay is not easy. You must discuss a topic that can get people to discuss and think long after they read your paper.
This guide will teach you how to write an enduring issues essay. You will find the topics list and examples of each one. In addition, we go over the different types of essays used for this purpose and give you a brief overview.
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What is an Enduring Issues Essay?
An enduring issues essay is a written task where the author identifies and describes a historically significant challenge that endured for a long duration and has been addressed with different degrees of success.

You should describe the challenge, explain why it has endured, and how different people successfully addressed it at different times.
Mostly, this can be either by a group or an individual, but it must be historically significant so that the argument you present can be backed up with historical evidence.
An enduring issues essay is a written task where you are to identify and describe a historically significant challenge that has endured over time and has been addressed with varying degrees of success.
For example, if you were asked to write an enduring issues essay on women’s rights in America, you would need to determine if women’s rights have improved or not since the beginning of the nation.
You could then compare these results from past times with present-day trends. This task can be done by looking at how women were treated in colonial times compared to now.
You could also compare them to those who came before us, such as those who were slaves during slavery, compared to today’s race relations which do not discriminate based on race but rather on merit.
Typically, an enduring issues essay allows for historical analysis to see how our society has changed over time and what is still relevant today.
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How to Write an Enduring Issues Essay
1. Choose your Topic
When you are writing an essay, you need to choose a topic that is interesting and interesting enough to draw the attention of your readers. The topic should be something that can be discussed in several different ways.

To ensure that your essay is successful, it needs a clear structure.
An outline will help you plan exactly what you want to say in each section of your essay and how they relate to one another. In addition to planning your essay, several tips can help you write an enduring issues essay.
First, write down some ideas for the essay. Write down what questions or topics you would like to discuss; for example, if you wanted to write about global warming in your essay, then write down all the things happening worldwide on this issue.
You must consider something that impacts everyone, not just someone specific or something local such as pollution.
Next, think about where these ideas come from. For example: do you have friends who are interested in this issue? Can they help you find information about it? Can they give examples of others who have written about this topic before?
2. Choose your Thesis Statement
The best way to write an enduring issues paper is to start with a thesis statement. This sentence or two summarizes your argument and explains why you are writing.
The thesis statement should be a strong one that states your main point clearly and concisely but also broad enough to encompass many other points of view. It should be like: “All of us need to find ways to improve our communication skills.”
You can then support this thesis by using examples from your own life or others in your family, school, or community. You might also use statistics or other research materials from books or online resources, such as Wikipedia.
3. Write your Introduction

You should write your introduction in an engaging and emotional tone. You can achieve this by writing about a personal connection, experience, or something that makes you feel strongly about the issue.
If you are writing about a social issue, discussing how it affects people and what it means for those involved or affected by it is important.
You can use examples to illustrate this point and help your readers understand the importance of your argument.
For example:
In this essay, I will discuss how climate change is affecting our future generations by highlighting some of the problems they face due to climate change, such as rising sea levels and ocean acidification, droughts and wildfires, extreme weather events, and food shortages (Klein and Sams).
In addition, I will discuss how we can tackle these issues by implementing new technologies that reduce carbon emissions and help us adapt to climate change (Klein and Sams).
4. Include Body Sections
The body section is where you will elaborate further on the issue, giving examples and evidence that support your argument. You may also include an additional supporting quote if you have any. The body section should be no less than three paragraphs long.
The essay’s body sections should explain each issue’s causes and effects. The body section should not be longer than three paragraphs unless you are going for a detailed explanation of your chosen topic.
A good way to structure your body section is by using a question-and-answer format. You can ask yourself questions such as: ‘What are the causes?’ or ‘How does it affect me?’ and answer them with your own opinion or research findings.
The body section is where you need to explain what you have learned about the topic and why it matters to you personally. You can use quotes from others who have experienced similar problems or relevant statistics on how many people are affected by these issues worldwide.
5. Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of a written essay, which can be either a paragraph or a point, and it should give you a summary of your main points. It should not be too long and should include some conclusion statement.
The conclusion is the last line of your essay that summarizes all the points previously discussed in your writing. The best way to conclude an essay is by stating your main points, followed by an explanation.
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Enduring Issues Essay Example Topics
Climate change
For example;
The issue of climate change has been a topic that has been discussed in the past and will continue to be discussed in the future.
Climate change is a global phenomenon affecting all parts of Earth’s life. It is caused by human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and agriculture. It devastates agriculture, water supply, food production, and human health.
The causes of climate change can be attributed to human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and agriculture (UNFCCC).
Fossil fuels are the main contributors to greenhouse gases (GHG) which are responsible for trapping heat within the atmosphere through a process known as radiative forcing.
Deforestation is another cause of climate change as it contributes to land-use changes, which results in increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere.
Agriculture contributes to CO2 emissions because it releases methane gas into the atmosphere when animals eaten by humans are released back into the environment after being consumed by humans.
Climate change has serious consequences for all life on earth, including humans, who have become a major contributor to climate change through their consumption habits, such as over-fishing or consuming meat from animals raised using non-sustainable practices such as intensive farming methods and fertilizers.
The Great Depression
One example of this kind of essay is “The Great Depression,” which was written by John Steinbeck in 1939. In this essay, he talked about how people worldwide suffered during this time because they had no jobs, money, or food.
He also talked about how people turned to crime to survive financially, which brought down society’s values even more than before.
The Nazi Holocaust
Another example would be “The Nazi Holocaust” by Hannah Arendt, which discusses the systematic genocide done by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party against Jews during World War II.
In this essay, she talks about how many German citizens were happy when Hitler took control of their country because they thought it would bring glory to Germany again after losing wars with other countries such as France.

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.