Using Turnitin Self-Check: 8 ways to Check before Submitting

If you have a paper that you are not sure of its originality, then it is wise to scan for plagiarism before turning it in. It helps you to be sure of the exact score before handing it over to your professor.
In this post, we will guide you on ways how to how to check your Turnitin similarity before submitting a paper, such as Turnitin self-check and more.
Before we delve into this, it is important to note that this check involves checking the similarity percentage in their papers before submitting them.
As one of our assignment help experts advises, this self-check helps determine whether the similarity is in the range that the instructor requires.
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How to Self-Check for Plagiarism Score before Submitting
You can check for plagiarism and get a similarity score of a paper before submission using Turnitin’s self-check tool called WriteCheck. Turnitin self-checker allows students to check for plagiarism and grammar before submitting it.
Alternatively, you can use plagiarism scanners like Plagscan, Duplichecker, Grammarly, and Bibme among others.
With Turnitin self-check and other plagiarism checkers, students can check their drafts before the due date or any time really. If the originality score is within range, then you may submit with confidence in the school’s Turnitin-enabled system.
However, in the case of the similarity score exceeding the acceptable range, then then you can make the needed corrections before submission. The following are the ways to check plagiarism before submitting your paper.
1. Use Turnitin Self-Check before Submitting
To understand the Turnitin Self-Checker, it is important to know exactly what Turnitin is and how it developed. Turnitin was founded in 1997.
It is a plagiarism detection internet service. Its headquarters are in Oakland California in the united states. The user has to buy licenses to access its services.

The website of the software then identifies plagiarism by checking submitted documents against its database and content found in large academic proprietary databases.
Turnitin also checks all available pages on the internet to detect similarities.
The Turnitin Self-Checker allows the writer to identify most of the mistakes that he or she does when writing and can correct them in future writings.
It makes sure that the writer also does not submit already submitted work. Turnitin is always fair and the results usually have no favoritism.
Turnitin Self-Checker provides you with instant feedback. This helps you identify the mistakes in your writing and correct them as fast as possible.
Some people may argue that using Turnitin Self-Checker is cheating. That is not true. Nobody wants to be associated with failure. I am also sure no academician is always right. Also, no student wants to be associated with plagiarism.
Plagiarism, when it becomes a habit is hard to stop but this checker helps you move away from the habit and acquire honesty.
There is that joy that comes from knowing that your work is original. One may proofread an essay or an article and still fail to find small mistakes that may lead to plagiarism.
Therefore, writers should use Turnitin Self-Checker to make sure that their work is okay and avoid repeating their work after submission.
The advantage of Turnitin Self-Checker
This Turnitin Self-Checker allows students of certain institutions that have accounts to check their papers for plagiarism and proper citation before actually submitting them. A similarity report is then generated to help the students identify if their documents are plagiarism-free.
The similarity index lies at the discretion of the institution. Documents may appear unoriginal when checked if they match the content in the Turnitin database.
This does not mean that you have plagiarised, Turnitin highlights everything in the text even if well cited or quoted.
Various levels of academic output in certain institutions also determine different perceptions of similarity levels. High-level learning requires a minimal percentage of similarity reports compared to lower levels of learning.
The self-checker is not connected to any particular course and is available by logging in to Moodle and self-enrolling into space. On the Turnitin tab on Moodle see the student’s submission directions to upload your paper.
Therefore, the Turnitin self-checker is only available to certain institutions affiliated with that institution’s Moodle accounts. Students or affiliates who do not belong to that institution cannot use it.
Plagiarism Alternatives to Turnitin Self-check
2. Grammarly to Check Plagiarism Score before Submitting
One of the best alternatives to Turnitin’s Self-checker is Grammarly. Grammarly does not only check grammar and writing issues in your document but also plagiarism too. The grammar check makes Grammarly my favorite tool for academic writing.

Grammarly Checker compares your content with content from over sixteen billion academic papers stored in the ProQuest database.
You will get a plagiarism alert when any text in your content matches any written document on the database.
There is a Grammarly Free Plagiarism Checker and a Grammarly Premium Plagiarism Checker.
Once you submit your work on the Grammarly Free Plagiarism checker you are provided with a report showing whether plagiarism is present and all other grammatical errors.
In Grammarly Premium Plagiarism Checker plagiarised sentences are flagged.
Sources of these sentences are provided and the overall originality report score is calculated. Advanced writing feedback is offered and corrections across all grammar dimensions.
More importantly, the Grammarly Plagiarism checker has an element of confidentiality. Your writing will stay private and will not be in other databases and will not be available for online search. Other plagiarism checkers will not see your text.
The Grammarly free version works just fine, but better services are with its premium level. While the Grammarly premium level is a paid service, some students have found a way to use it for free.
Read my guide about a creative Grammarly hack on how to use its Premium for free and improve your academic writing.
One of the advantages of Grammarly is that it has other functionalities of checking your grammar and suggesting corrections.
This feature however needs to be used in conjunction with an academic advisor as determined by most scholars on the effectiveness of plagiarism scanning tools.
Another advantage is that it has several solutions in one place. For content writing, marketing, SEO, students, and a variety of other uses, it provides more than 150 online tools.
3. Using Plagiarism Checker by Prepostseo
Whenever plagiarism checkers are discussed, the plagiarism checker by Prepostseo always comes in the list. It is a free-to-use online tool that comes with an easy-to-use interface. It offers a plethora of useful features such as the option to upload files, create citations, check exact sources, and more.
In order to check plagiarism, the tool searches through billions of web pages thoroughly to find the exact match. The plagiarized content ratio is measured in percentage, and it is clearly shown on the screen.
Along with the exact matches, it also finds partially matched content that gives you an idea that your content may have some resemblance to the particular content. The purpose of highlighting these types of sentences is to show potentially paraphrased content.
One of its main perks is that it highlights the matched content and also provides links to the sources. To differentiate between exact match and partial match, it uses two colors; Red for exact match and yellow for partial match.
For free, it can check up to 1000 words per submission (for registered free users this limit is 1,500 words). To further increase the word limit, you can purchase a premium plan.
4. Using PlagScan to Check Plagiarism
Launched by Marcus Goldbach and Johannes Knabe PlagScan is a software that detects plagiarism by comparing submissions with web documents, internal archives, and journals.

This software is mostly used by academic institutions. It is available worldwide and it aims to increase awareness of academic integrity.
This software is very effective in recognizing plagiarism. It can detect three consecutive words used from a different source.
PlagScan scans a submission and provides a detailed report to the user that shows potential plagiarism and sources where matching content is found. The users can either be single users or organizations.
Single users are required to register and create an account. After creating an account one is taken through a satisfactory trial. Upon completion of the trial, single users receive free text credit and can purchase additional for use in future submissions.
Before using the software organizations are required to verify their addresses and an obligation quote is requested on the website.
Organizations can then create multiple groups and administrations such as universities and colleges dividing various schools and departments.
This software can be integrated into Learning Management Systems and relies on the Microsoft Bing search index for web documents.
5. Use Duplichecker Scan before Submitting
This is a free online tool that you can use to detect copied content whether educational or for a website. To access it log into the website
It is always available and can be accessed by any device that can access the internet. It offers the best help when trying to avoid plagiarism without assistance from anyone.
This tool is easy to use. After logging into the website you can do the following to your content to check similarity:

- Using the choose file button you can upload your file. Alternatively, you can copy and paste a maximum of 100 words in the search box.
- You can then click on check for plagiarism to submit your document for detection.
After your document is submitted for processing, the results are back in a matter of minutes.
This is because of our improved work on speeding up the processing processes with absolutely no damage inaccuracy.
When duplicate matches are found the results come in percentages. First, the percentage of plagiarism is displayed. Next to it is the uniqueness percentage which shows the originality of your content.
Next to it is the related meaning percentage. When there is no instance of plagiarism detected, a message will display “No Plagiarism Detected!”
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6. Using Small SEO Tools scanner
This tool checks for plagiarism by matching your uploaded content with the many web pages available on the internet easily and fast. You can upload any type of document provided that it is digital.

This tool also checks plagiarism through a website URL. Documents in other languages apart from English can also be checked for plagiarism.
After uploading your document, the results come out in percentages. The plagiarised percentage and the uniqueness percentage are displayed.
In a list form, all instances of plagiarism and uniqueness are displayed sentence by sentence.
This also is displayed in a document view with the plagiarised parts displayed in red.
You can compare plagiarised content to similar content published on the web by clicking compare on the plagiarized line.
At the same time, one can also rewrite plagiarised content to become original by clicking on Rewrite Plagiarised Content. Also, you can also download your complete checked content easily on this tool.
7. Use Plagiarism Detector before Turnitin Submission
This is a free and intelligent plagiarism checker website that can be used by all people of different professions. Its plagiarism scanner is accurate and analyses content in terms of important factors such as matching phrases, word choice, and lexical frequencies.

Once you have uploaded your text it is mapped into our internal network and compared to different databases and the whole internet content.
Its algorithm ignores statistically common phrases, which makes it a good alternative for Turnitin Self Check before submitting your paper.
After the test is complete, the results are displayed with the percent match of plagiarism. The sources of all plagiarised sentences are also displayed. You can also paste the URL and check plagiarism on a website.
8. Using Bib Me to check Plagiarism
This plagiarism checker website, at, reviews every sentence of your work comparing it to the world’s published works for any potential plagiarism.

There is a free plagiarism checker and a paid plagiarism checker.
The free plagiarism checker scans for matching content in your paper.
It rarely highlights the problem. It then shows the percentage of the matching texts.
The paid plagiarism checker adds to what the free displays by showing the sources of the plagiarised content and the links that lead to them. It also provides you with the information you need to make intelligent decisions.
Sometimes students can wish to check for plagiarism in their papers before submitting them. This is important to give them certainty that their papers are original.
As determined by universities, Turnitin Self-check can help improve students’ assessment in their studies.
This makes it a good tool for helping improve educational institutions as well as the student. This would be great if it is able to provide instant feedback to students and universities. You can use Turnitin self-check to achieve this and know your plagiarism score before submitting.
Watch this video to learn more about this.

Jessica Kasen is experienced in academic writing and academic assistance. She is well versed in academia and has a master’s degree in education. Kasen consults with us in helping students improve their grades. She also oversights the quality of work done by our writers.