Good Titles for Essays about yourself: 31 Personal Essay Topics

What is a Personal Essay?
There are quite a number of essays used by writers to communicate ideas. One of these essays is the personal essay, which is written to capture a person’s ideas, emotions, and feelings toward something.
This essay is a nonfiction piece that provides the reader with an interesting, humorous, and thought-provoking narrative drawn from either the writer’s personal experiences or information from another party.
It is a nonfiction story in which you, as the author, share your lessons, incidents, and predicaments in life with your audience, the readers.

A personal essay is written about one’s life, experiences, and thoughts, providing readers with insight into life lessons and experiences about yourself. It captures your memorable moments like you can ever imagine.
Therefore, it ought to describe you positively to your audience by highlighting your inspirations and motivation. At the same time, it should leave your audience with a wide understanding of who you are, what you stand for, and, importantly, your tick boxes.
In other quarters, it is also known as the narrative essay, and it appears different from other essays because it shares a story with the readers.
The story in a personal essay needs to be non-fictional; otherwise, it will lose its intended meaning.
Depending on the circumstances, a personal essay can appear as a class assignment or a college application. If it appears as a college application, it should stimulate the readers to act in a particular way.
The author must provide an account of their roles and insight into their subjects.
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How do you write a good title for an essay about yourself?
Normally, news titles tend to have a story title distilled into five to ten words to accurately summarize the intended information for an audience.
For instance, a title may appear like ‘Plane Crashes Minutes After Takeoff.’ Conversely, magazines will have catchier titles to delight readers, such as ‘Ten Ways to Improve Your Body Fitness’ or ‘Destinations You Do Not Want to Miss on a Cruise Ship.’
Newspapers will scream their titles with catchy phrases or words like ‘Lockdown in Miami’ or simply ‘Betrayed’. In these three settings, the audience is already aware of what to look out for from the story from the advent.

A blog post title will probably begin with a playful or catchy question to draw the readers’ attention and inform them of what is about to follow.
Contrary to the above, personal essays possess unique and refined titles that make readers wonder about what is in them.
These titles require readers to insert themselves into your essay and reveal your personality, beliefs, thoughts, hopes, experiences, dreams, and even your sense of humor.
Personal essay topics usually include your own opinions, experiences, and even real stories.
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Two types of Personal Essay Topics
Personal essay topics are of two kinds: Defining moments and secret lives.
Titles on secret lives will concentrate on mysterious but meaningful experiences where the writer provides stories on infrequent life and, to some extent, unusual exploits in life. On the other hand, defining moment titles will focus on a person’s life during a critical moment.
When you consider these two types of themes, the essay you write will definitely be outstanding to your readers.
The titles of personal essays if done well will challenge the writer and audience on what the essay is about because they will provide hints rather than summarize, they will add as opposed to mirroring and infer instead of summing up the essays ideas. How is this done? Simply by engaging similar skills harbored in a catchy personal essay.

The essay title undoubtedly sets the tone and flow, so it has to be as catchy as possible. You can start by giving a description of yourself using a keyword in the title.
Words like determined, optimistic, or thoughtful can suit your title well. For example, your title can read like ‘An essay about Sam, the resilient optimist’.
Therefore, Your audience will be introduced to the leading trait you desire to reinforce in your essay, setting a good tone for the essay.
It is important to follow up the essay by using the same term a number of times throughout to emphasize it as a vivid motif.
Since the title of your essay is the first thing your readers will see, it has to grab their attention fully. Though there are exceptions, it would be better if the title is short, with about four words or less. The title and your essay ought to connect but not immediately fulfill the readers’ expectations.
In order to spice up your title, you can use punctuation marks as options. Exclamation marks, the colon, and the semicolon can help you develop a sound and catchy topic. Moreover, it would help if you capitalized all words except articles, pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions.
This implies that titles should be flexible to the liking of the readers.
31 Personal Essays Topics
The hardest breaking news I had to deliver
How I spent a fortune on travel
The things I can do that robots can never do
The animal I would like to be
The one thing I would change at my school
What I have learned about conquering poverty
A disappointment I will never forget
My most embarrassing moment
The moment I realized I needed help
Why I had to succeed
My bravest moment
Nowhere can I run to
The distance between us
The memories I desired but I lost
When did I stop?
My best summer ever
Strange beliefs
My peculiar flowers
Dress your family in silk
Let our children accomplish their dreams in their own way
In 40 years’ time…
My adulthood memories
What I would like to change most about my life
My favorite animal
The wall is not listening
That cake was not for you
How I understand death
How did my parent’s choices influence my spending?
My no pleasant experience in high school
Impacts of workout on my stress levels
The moment my life took a turn for the worse
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Personal essays should portray a writer’s writing skills and take the reader to the writer’s personal journey. It is so because it demonstrates who you are as a person and writer, and you have to be as coherent as possible when providing your personal statement.
It also reveals a number of qualities about the writer, such as the writer’s persona, communication skills, critical thinking skills, maturity, teaching skills, and personal skills.
If well written, this essay can inspire your audience and, in essence, allow the writer to describe their personal or significant life events and experiences.
A number of employers, graduates, and various schools will ask you to provide a personal essay before they consider you for an interview, which shows that this essay is not just limited to composition courses in schools.
The question now is: Can you actualize your desire to write a good personal essay?

Jessica Kasen is experienced in academic writing and academic assistance. She is well versed in academia and has a master’s degree in education. Kasen consults with us in helping students improve their grades. She also oversights the quality of work done by our writers.