How to Write a PEEL Paragraph Essay: With Examples

A PEEL paragraph essay is one of the most vital elements in academic writing. The purpose and structure of a Peel essay are quite similar to an academic essay but with a major difference: instead of writing about a topic, you are required to come up with your original concept and then develop this idea from different angles, thus creating a well-rounded piece.
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What is a Peel Paragraph?
What is a peel (Point, Example, Explain, and Link) paragraph? The peel is a technique writers use to highlight a specific point in their writing.

The peel paragraph is used in many types of writing, including essays, research papers, and literature reviews.
A peel paragraph is a paragraph that pulls the reader in and keeps them reading. It can be used to warm up a cold introduction or the last paragraph of your essay. A peel paragraph is a great way to end your essay on a high note, but that doesn’t mean you should just tack on a few extra words at the end and call it done.
The idea behind a peel paragraph is that you want to draw attention to something specific in your opening or closing lines. You want those lines to grab readers’ attention and make them want to read more about what you have to say. When writing an effective peel paragraph:
The peel is a device writers can use to highlight a particular idea or section of their essay. There are three types of peels:
- Point Peel: This type of peel highlights one main point of the essay. It is usually placed at the beginning or end of an essay and includes specific details about the topic as well as supporting evidence from the body paragraphs.
- Example Peel: This type of peel includes an example from an outside source that illustrates the main point in your essay. This type of peel works best when you want to emphasize your arguments by using real-life examples or situations.
- Link Peel: This type of peel connects one idea in your essay with another idea or section by providing links between them. This kind of peel should be used when you want to connect ideas so they are easier.
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How to write a Peel Paragraph
1. Identify Your Point
The first step in writing a peel paragraph is to identify your point. What is the main argument you want to make? This can be tricky because your reader may not agree with you. The important thing is to take their objections seriously and address them head-on.

For example, suppose I want to write an article about why people should eat fewer fast food meals. My main argument is that getting fat and unhealthy leads to physical problems such as diabetes and heart disease, which are expensive to treat.
But some people might object that not all fat people have serious health problems or that excessive eating doesn’t necessarily cause health problems.
In this case, my job is to convince readers of the truth of my claim and its importance. They might stop reading right there if they think it’s silly or irrelevant!
Understand what makes your point important before you write it. Your main points are usually related directly to your topic sentence, but they shouldn’t be wordy or boring — they should be clear and concise.
Include as many details as possible when describing your point. Don’t just tell people your point; show them exactly how it works!
For example, if you’re writing about how government policy affects citizens’ lives, including specific examples from personal experience or research done by other experts in the field.
2. Incorporate your Example
Peel paragraphs are those that begin with an example, usually from the content of your article. They can introduce a new idea or show how you’ve applied something in practice.
The example should be clear and specific, so the reader understands exactly what you’re talking about. It shouldn’t be too complex, though, because this will make it harder for readers to understand what you mean.

You can use a quote from someone else as an example if you don’t have time to write one yourself. Include their name at the beginning of your paragraph and give them credit for their words (or even the full quote) in your introduction.
3. Explain how your Example Supports your Point
To create a peel paragraph, you must explain how your example supports your point. This is called “transforming the example” or “building support.”
You can do this by:
- Pointing out that the example illustrates your point. For example, if you argue that “a little learning is a dangerous thing,” show how someone who gains knowledge quickly becomes arrogant and foolish.
- Explain why the example supports your argument. For example, if you are arguing that “a little learning is a dangerous thing,” show how someone who gains knowledge quickly becomes arrogant and foolish.
If you are talking about how college students are not doing enough to prepare for the job market after school, you might say:
There’s a difference between knowledge and skill. The vast majority of students don’t apply what they learn in college to the real world after they graduate. Instead of developing valuable skills, they spend most of their time playing video games or watching TV.
This example shows an imbalance between knowledge and skill in our society today. It also explains why this imbalance exists and what it means for people who have been educated on how to write a peel paragraph.
4. Finish off with your Link
When you’ve finished your paragraph, it is time to finish it with your link. This is the most important part of the whole article, and if you do not include this in your writing, it will be difficult for readers to find your page and read more about what you have written.

As well as providing a link back to your site, there are some other things you need to include with it:
- It should be short and simple but also informative and interesting for readers.
- It should not contain any advertisements or links to other sites that may not be relevant to their interests.
- It should immediately impact the reader, so they can decide whether they want to know more at universities or other institutions of higher learning.
The setup for this type of ending is that you start with an interesting statement or question, followed by some evidence or proof of the statement, and then your conclusion. This can be as short as one or three sentences long.
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Peel Paragraph Examples
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E-commerce is also helping small businesses to grow by providing them with a way to reach out to customers they may not have employed before.
This new way of doing business has created jobs for people who only know how to use computers and how to do business through the Internet, as well as more jobs for people in general because they can make more money working from home than they could if they had stayed in an office all day long.

Jessica Kasen is experienced in academic writing and academic assistance. She is well versed in academia and has a master’s degree in education. Kasen consults with us in helping students improve their grades. She also oversights the quality of work done by our writers.