Turnitin Late Submission Hacks & How to Turn Late Assignments

Turnitin Late Submission Hacks

Turnitin Late Submission Hacks

Are you late with a paper or an essay? If yes, then I know all you want is a tricky way to bypass the due date and get away with it. Well, you are not alone.

Apart from practical Turnitin late submission hacks, here is a comprehensive guide on how to turn in assignments late, common university lateness policies, and smart excuses to give when late.

These are the tricky sides of technological advancements in education. Using assignment portals to turn in assignments has made it simple for universities and students to handle the problem. What about when you are late? Read on.

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3 Turnitin Late Submission Hacks that work

Technology advancement in the 21st century has given rise to easy access to quick information, making work easier. Turnitin is one of the technological advancements.

Turnitin helps students submit their assignments and beat the given deadline, Turnitin also checks for plagiarism.

The three main Turnitin late submission hacks are submission of an invalid file, changing the assignment deadline, and adjusting its settings on the Turnitin account.

Other tricks that work to bypass Turnitin’s due date include persuading the teacher and giving excuses.

At a different academic level, a student may have numerous assignments with near deadlines making it hard to complete them in the needed time.

To pass exams and assignments, a student must submit them at the time needed. As such, to help students, here are certain hacks, one can use for the late submission of assignments on Turnitin.

1. Submitting an Invalid File

This is one of the most used Turnitin late submission hacks I know. It is really simple. You just submit a file that does not open and submit it in the system. Then wait for your professor to ask you to send in a valid file.

This way, you will have escaped the deadline and bought yourself more time to do the assignment right. Here are the steps to follow;

  1. Open a Word document and type anything as per your liking. This is because your lecturer will not be able to read the corrupt document hence the content should not necessarily be relevant.
  2. Save the document once you have fed in the information in the new Word document.
  3. Close the Word document and reopen it. A successful corrupted file document will read “The document path is invalid’’ and ‘’Convert File’’ for Windows and Mac users, respectively.
  4. The final stage is to submit the corrupted file. By the time your lecturer opens the corrupt file and asks you to resend the assignment, you will have finished your work and uploaded the right one.

2. Change the Turnitin due Date

  • First, login into your Turnitin account and go to the control panel
  • Go to  the course tools and choose Turnitin assignment and select the Turnitin   assignment link
  • To the top menu, choose the tab “Edit Assignment” and change the due date to a more favorable date after the deadline.
  • Lastly, select the ‘submit’ button to save the changes

3. Change the Assignment Settings

You can edit the assignment set by going to the content folder, Find the assignment link, and choosing the ‘Action link’ followed by clicking the “Edit Assignment” tab. Here you can edit the assignment in your favor. To edit the dates and change times, click on the pencil icon.

However, the above steps should be the last thing to think about. This is because if your instructor finds out you hacked the system, it may lead you into trouble. Read our guide on Cheating Turnitin and learn more assignment tricks.

Another way to ensure you have done assignments at the right time is to place an order for essay writing services. Instead of struggling with these Turnitin late submission hacks, I would strongly advise getting an essay writer to do your homework.

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How to Turn in Late Assignments and get away with It

Well, if you have tried the above tricks on bypassing the Turnitin due date and they have failed, all is not lost. Your next mission is to find other ways to submit late. Here are some of the tips a student can use to get away with late submission of assignments;

1. Communicate to the instructor as early as possible

When a student has an assignment that seems hard to complete on the deadline, it is good to email and explain the situation early enough by giving reasons why it will be hard to submit on time. By doing this helps the student prevent unnecessary trouble with the instructor.

2. Change the Turnitin Assignment Deadline

This is possible by logging in and changing the deadline date, assignment setting, or even submitting a corrupt file. This is really hard to implement and can lead to more penalties in addition to the applicable late submission penalties.

Get Away with a Late Assignment

3. Give out Quality Work

When a student is late to submit an assignment, he or she can make sure that is quality of his work is good.

This will make it easier to convince the instructor and make him understand why it was hard to beat the deadline.

4. Give a Convincing Assurance

Assure the instructor that the submission of the assignment won’t happen again. After the late submission of the assignment, it will be good when the student affirms to the instructor that the mistake will not happen again in the future.

This way, the student will have given the instructor the benefit of the doubt, hence getting away with the punishment. If this is your first time, you will get away with it in most cases.

It is good to note that universities started using online assignment scheduling systems to maintain their flows, but people, the professors, still manage them. Therefore, when you are late, consult the professor convincingly and not the system.

5. Take responsibility for late submission

Taking personal responsibility for late submission shows a sense of maturity and respect for the instructor. It is easy for your instructor to forgive you for late submissions when you have accepted your faults.

6. Fake a sickness

Another way to get away with late assignments is faking that you are sick. That’s why you were not able to finish work on time. This may go against your morals or beliefs, but it’s a test anyway.

Well, I do not recommend it; if the assignment is important and your attempt to bypass Turnitin’s due date did not work, this is an effective card to flash. Going to a nearby clinic and requesting a doctor’s prescription can help avoid penalties from the instructor.

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Best Late Assignments Excuses to give when Turning in

1. My Schoolbag was Stolen

This is a good excuse to give your teacher for the late submission of work. With this excuse, it will be hard for the teacher to punish you as it is clear that homework was impossible due to a lack of materials and stationery.

Several excuses for late assignment

 2. My parents had a fight

Domestic violence is not new, and it can be a good excuse for submitting a late assignment.

A student can take advantage of this and use it for his/her benefit.

Also, it is a good excuse as it will be hard for the teacher to ask parents about the occurrence as the matter is said to be confidential.

3. My Pet Died

This is a rare excuse, but a student can use it to escape punishment. A student can go ahead to explain that the pet was the only friend/sibling he/she had, and its death caused much pain that was unable to do the homework.

4. It’s that “time of the month.”

Well, this is only limited to female students as they can give excuses for feeling weak, period pains, vomiting, headache, and dizziness, therefore, unable to do their assignment.

5. Taking Care of a Younger Sibling

Even if your teacher doubts it will be hard to ask your parents. A student can go ahead and say the sibling was sick last night and hence was given the mandate to take care of them.

6. I was at my Dad’s place over the Weekend

You can use this excuse to say you left the assignment in your father’s home. Also, it was hard to go for the bag as mostly dad was at work, and I had to be in school simultaneously.

7. I left my Assignment in my Mother’s car

Go ahead and explain that you were late to come to school hence in a hurry to come out of your mom’s vehicle. Also, mom works on the other side of the town, making it hard to have the assignment.

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How to Ask your Professor to Accept a Late Assignment

typing a late assignment
  1. First, ensure that you have the correct email address from the syllabus
  2. Write an email, but in the subject title of the email, you have made it clear the reason for writing the email
  3. Make sure you have stated your full official name and the class that you are in.
  4. In your body section, show that you regret your mistake and promise not to repeat it again.
  5. Choose your words correctly, as they should be polite and kind.
  6. Ensure you use salutations at the beginning and the end of your email.
  7. Finally, remember that it is always important to notify their professor early enough

Late Submission Policy and Penalties for Different Universities – A Comparative Table

University Name Late submission policy and Penalty
Stanford University Deduction of 10% per day the assignment remains late
University of Southern California Submission between the beginning & end of class: 10% loss of score and 48 hours of the date due: 20% loss of score Submission between 48 hours and 7 days after the date due: 30% loss of score Submission 7 days after the date due to no marks
University of California Los Angeles  5% Absolute standard University scale per day until the mark reaches zero
California Institute of Technology  5% Per day for a default penalty period of 7 consecutive days.
University of California San Diego 24 hours after the submission deadline will receive a penalty of 10% of the maximum amount of marks.
University of San Francisco Without a pre-approved extension, the penalty for late submission is a reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment for each University Business Day
San Jose State University  Late papers will be subject to one-half grade off per day late. Except for abrupt crises, no requests for extensions will be heard within 24 hours before the due date
university of the Pacific  Five percent (5%) for each day, including weekends beyond the deadline.
The University of Sheffield A deduction of 5% of the total mark is awarded for each working day after the submission date.
University of Nottingham  5% Absolute standard University scale per day until the mark reaches zero.

Reasons Why Students Get Late With Assignments

1. Procrastination

This refers to pushing forward or postponing an activity. In a study on procrastination among university students, the researcher found that the tendency to procrastinate affects their academic performance and time management. This is where failed deadlines come from.

Students can have a tendency to delay work and use their time in leisure activities, and when the deadline is almost, that’s when they hurriedly try to do it, which can result in not submitting it on time.

2. Unforeseen Events

Unforeseen events lead to late assignment submissions. Such as sickness, the sickness or death of a relative can result in a student not finishing work on time since he/she is directly affected.

3. Not understanding the Question

The student might have difficulty understanding the question asked. This can be because he/she never understood the subject while in class, or he never paid attention to the class, or never attended the class.

In addition, when it comes to assignments, it becomes hard to do them and submit them on time since a lot of effort and hard work will be needed.

4. Not sure of the Answers

This can lead to late submission. The student may be worried if he answered the right thing or if he was clear or vague.

5. Resource Constraints

Sometimes students get constraints by basic amenities. For example, a power outage, poor internet, website failure, or even lack of reference material can lead to a student delay in assignment submission.

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