How to Write an Extended Essay: from Outline to Conclusion

As a student, especially those pursuing International Baccalaureate (IB), you will be faced with the challenge of coming up with an extended essay. But few students do not know how to write long essays like an extended essay. That is where we come in.
In this comprehensive guide, I will guide you on the 8 steps to follow when writing a good extended essay and provide you with examples of topics you can use.
As noted by one of our top essay writers for hire, extended essays are not like your ordinary essays. As the name suggests, they are extended versions of essays and it may take longer and a unique approach to writing them.
However, before delving into such details, it is important to first understand what extended essays are.
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What is an Extended Essay?
An extended essay (EE) is a form of writing that provides learners with a chance to carry out independent research concerning a topic of their interest.
It is part of the requirements for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and its content is based on a freely-selected topic provided that there is an instructor for the subject in school since candidates should have a supervisor for the subjects.
To be more precise, an extended essay can be regarded as a 4000-word structured piece of writing centered on an International Baccalaureate student’s topic and it may take various forms.
What is meant by “it may take various forms” is that the way it looks depends on the topic selected. The next section will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write an extended essay.
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How to Write an Extended Essay
When writing an extended essay, there 8 steps that should be taken to effectively complete it on time. Carefully read through the 8 steps to fully understand how to write an extended essay.
Step 1: Selecting a Topic and Researching on it

This is the first step that you should take before writing your extended essay.
As noted, extended essays will allow you to write on the topic of your interest.
However, various topics are provided by your instructor and it is upon you to select the topic that interests you.
You should keep in mind that the topic selected should have enough material and resources to support your topic and the position of your arguments concerning the topic.
Some topics may have limited resources.
At the same time, select a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow. A narrow topic may lack enough material to have a 4000-word extended essay while a broad topic may require a lot of supporting material that may exceed the 4000-word limit.
If you find the first step confusing or you find it difficult to tackle it on your own, it is advisable to seek a mentor/advisor. You should select an advisor or mentor with whom you will connect well and the one who understands the topic and what is required when writing extended essays.
Such a mentor will help you select the topic that fits your interest. While helping you select a topic that is not too narrow or broad, they should push you to deliver your best. Mentors/advisors can be your instructors or friends who have completed extended essays.
Once this is done, research extensively concerning your topic and ensure that the sources of your information are peer-reviewed and credible. They should provide the most recent research or information concerning your topic.
Note the sources of your information so that you can cite and reference them in your extended essay.
Step 2: Coming up With a Research Question
This is an important step because selecting a research question will provide you with a focused and clear summative statement to be used during your research.
It will act as a roadmap or a guideline that will help you during the writing process. It will also help you formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that will summarize your arguments and the position you will take in your extended essay.
Step 3: Structuring Your Extended Essay
As aforementioned, extended essays should always take an academic format. This means that it should have an acceptable academic structure.
At the same time, since International Baccalaureate (IB) guidelines are constantly updated, you should follow the latest guidelines so that you can utilize the latest format.
The acceptable format for your extended essay will include an introduction, methodology, main body, conclusion, bibliography, and appendices.

This will be the general structure for your extended essay.
It should be noted that this structure is not an outline.
What this means is that the structure should be considered when coming up with an outline.
Once you have decided the structure of your extended essay, come up with an outline based on your topic, thesis, and arguments.
An outline will act as a guide during the drafting process and it will save a lot of time.
This is because you will have already outlined your extended essay and what you will be doing is to add content to the points you have highlighted. Ensure that individual points translate to a single paragraph.
You should also note that the extended essay will have a table of contents. Therefore, the outline will be very important when coming up with your table of contents that is located after the cover page of your extended essay.
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Step 4: Writing the Introduction
Once you have completed the above steps and you have come up with an outline based on the extended essay’s structure, the next step is to introduce your topic and elaborate it to your target readers.

There are various things you should consider when coming up with an introduction.
First of all, the introduction should be catchy and interesting.
This is because your readers will read it before deciding on whether to continue with the rest of the paper.
The best way to do this is to begin your introduction with something catchy or attention-grabbing sentence.
This will arouse the reader’s curiosity to know more about the topic.
The second thing you should know about the introduction is that it should offer a crisp and clear description of what you are going to talk about and the various strategies you will use to explore the topic. It all depends on the topic.
You can decide to highlight the issues that will be explored and the ways of addressing such issues. It is all about proving some brief background of what you will be exploring in the rest of the paper.
Do you remember that you formulated a research question after researching your topic? While introducing the topic of your extended essay, you should provide the context of your research question where you address the situation or the background from which the question comes.
While doing so, you should state the research question and elaborate on why answering the question is important for the paper’s findings.
The introduction should also tell the readers why the research you present in your extended essay is important, interesting, and/or valuable to the discipline and the audience.
Finally, you should conclude your introduction by writing your thesis statement. This should be the last sentence of your introduction paragraph(s).
Step 5: Methodology
This is also a very important step when writing an extended essay. To make sure that all the important aspects of the methodology are covered, you should divide this section into two.

The first section of the methodology explains your sources of information and the second section explores the related theories, topics, and arguments that will be used to explore your topic.
In the first section, you should describe every primary and/or secondary source used, why the sources are important, and their limitations.
Sources of secondary research can include news articles, annual reports for companies, business textbooks, magazine articles, and encyclopedias. The final thing you should do while in section 1 is to state the adjustments made in your research.
For the second section, you should provide a brief explanation of the theories that are going to be applied and the reason why they are the most appropriate in explaining your arguments.
Also, give the limitations of each theory, topic, or argument applied. Finally, state the changes made during the research and writing process.
Step 6: Drafting the Main Body
This should be the most elaborate part of your extended essay because you will concentrate on the research, analysis of the research, discussion, and evaluation.
You should try to retain the flow of step 5 that has steps 1 and 2. This will demonstrate that you understand the concepts of the International Baccalaureate while still addressing your topic using the relevant sources.
In the first section, for each of the theories, arguments, and topics used to address your topic, include about 4 examples of each to help you answer the research question effectively. Also, address the qualitative tools applied before the quantitative tools.
The second section goes beyond the course to educate your evaluator and/or readers concerning your topic. Explore the related concepts and theories deeply while providing different perspectives on the topic.
Remember that you should be evaluating the findings here. Use analytical insight to further explain your arguments and points of view. Graphs and other forms of data presentation can be used. However, they should apply to the research.
Step 7: Writing the Conclusion
In this step, you should sum up your arguments from all your sections. It is important to stipulate what has been researched and how it has helped answer the research question.
It should be noted that no new information should be added in the conclusion. Mention some limitations of the research and their impact, and the reasons behind such limitations.
Finally, state the thing(s) you can do differently if you were to write another extended essay.
Step 8: Bibliography and Appendices
On a different page or the next page after the conclusion, reference your sources of information using the correct format (APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard styles). Always remember to arrange the references from A to Z. Bibliography or references are not part of the word count.
The appendices section showcases the extra work you have done such as transcripts of the interviews conducted, additional analysis, and any other data that you found interesting but did not include in the body of your paper.
Once you are done with writing, thoroughly proofread your work and correct any grammatical or spelling errors made. Make sure that the work is well formatted with all the sections included.
At the same time, make sure that nothing in your paper is copy-pasted because it will be regarded as plagiarism. Always do this before submitting your extended essay.
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Best Length of an Extended Essay
While there is no universally agreed minimum word count for an extended essay, you should not write less than 3,000 words. This is because lesser than that will demonstrate that you did not adequately research your topic.
Since the acceptable word limit on the upper side is 4,000 words, always strive to write more than 3,500 words. Unlike other types of essays like a GRE Essay that is short, an extended essay is long in terms of word count.
In other cases, the minimum word count is 1,500 words, and the maximum word count is 4,000 words. It is up to the student to decide what their word count should be. It is important not to go over or under the prescribed word count by more than 10%. The upper limit of 4000 words should be a guideline rather than a firm rule.
Can the extended essay be over 4000 words?
Yes, the extended essay may be up to 4000 words in length. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion, and any quotations, but does not include:
- the abstract
- the contents page
- acknowledgments
- any diagrams, charts, tables, and graphs
- the bibliography
How Many Pages is an Extended Essay?
4000 words is 8 pages single spaced, and 16 pages double spaced. The number of pages changes depends on the number of words, the font, and the font size. Usually, the extended essay is 4000 words in length, so it is quite a bit longer than your average essay. Double-space, Times New Roman 12 is pretty much universal, in college anyway.
What are the extended essay minimum and maximum word count?
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12 Examples of Extended Essay Topics
- What is the effect of age and gender on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina?
- How is climate change impacting the appearance of coral reefs?
- An evaluation of how antioxidants work in our bodies?
- Is there an association between viewing violence on television and the display of violent acts?
- What motivational climate should a coach employ to achieve optimal performance in athletes?
- How does the X hormone affect human behavior?
- How were women treated differently in the 1920s and 1950s Great Britain?
- What role did economics play in the unification of Germany from 1834 to 1871?
- How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?
- What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?
- An investigation into the significance of preserving the quality of water in a continent/country/city?
- What effect does the coating of aspirin tablets have on the hydrolysis of aspirin?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Redo an Extended Essay?
Yes. You can redo an extended essay if you appeal to the relevant institution about the reason(s) why you failed on the first try. You should provide credible and sensible reasons for you to be considered. It is only then that you are granted a retake.
Can You Fail an Extended Essay?
Yes. You can fail an extended essay if you do not follow the essay’s requirements, instructions, or rubric.
What Happens if You Fail an Extended Essay?
If you fail an extended essay, you will not graduate with a diploma. Therefore, if you fail, you should request a retake and do your best to write a good extended essay.
How many points is the extended essay worth?
The Extended Essay is a 4,000-word essay that you write on a topic of your choice. This counts towards your IB Diploma and it’s worth 3 points of your overall score.
The Extended Essay is often the most rewarding part of the IB Diploma. It gives you the chance to study something that you want to learn about in-depth, and it can be on any topic you choose – as long as there’s an expert to supervise it!
Can I publish my extended essay?
You may publish your extended essay. There are some things to consider before you do though:
• Check that the subject of your essay is appropriate for publishing. Some subjects, such as science and math, may not be appropriate for publication because of how quickly the field develops. Also, check that your advisor approves of publishing the essay.
• Check that you have gotten all the necessary permissions you need before you publish.
• Check with your advisor if you have any doubts about these things.

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.